The Academy will not necessarily be closed when school is closed. When in doubt, please call the Academy at 610-282-2231 for a recorded message. An email will also be sent to you if class is cancelled.

Please keep your child home from class if they have not been
fever-free for at least 24 hours without the aid of a fever suppressant. Please use your best judgement concerning other illnesses.

Your child does not need to be potty trained in order to attend class. We will change your child during class and make sure that all children are given ample opportunites to use the bathroom, which is located in the classroom.

- A bag for all belongings
- A water bottle
- Comfortable shoes for running and playing
- A diaper or extra clothing (even if potty trained)
in case of an accident
- A lunch and drink if staying for morning and afternoon classes
- A smile and lots of energy!